Yash Agarwal

Writing Drozer Modules

This post is a result of my experimentation with Drozer. Drozer is a security testing framework for Android, developed by MWR Labs. According the Drozer’s official documentation: Drozer allows you to assume the role of an Android app and interact with other apps. It can do anything that an installed application can do, such as making use of Android’s Inter-Process Communication (IPC) mechanism and interact with the underlying operating system.

So I Applied for GSoC

I first heard about Google Summer of Code (GSoC) in my second year (2016). It was quite fascinating to know that such a program exists (possibly because of that super attractive amount of money, $5500 at that time). I researched about it and sent emails to some mentors. The replies were mostly encouraging, but I still could not gather the courage to apply as I used to doubt my capabilities. Then last year (2017) again, I decided that I should try for GSoC one more time.


I know I am very late in writing this post. It has been almost one and a half months since the last edition of FOSSMeet is over. I have been a part of FOSSMeet both as a participant and a volunteer. I want to share some of my observations, views, and suggestions through this post. I intend to keep a memory of my most favorite event of NIT Calicut. Juniors can read this post and think about ways to improve FOSSCell and FOSSMeet.

Deactivated My Facebook Account

Today, I deactivated my Facebook account again. For the last few days, I was feeling that I am using Facebook excessively. It was affecting my work, my public life. I was using Facebook day in and day out. Today when I woke up in the morning, I first opened Facebook and didn’t leave my bed for one hour. I realized that I had wasted one hour merely browsing through useless stuff.

Develop a Theme for Hugo

This article was originally published on zeolearn. Introduction In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a basic Hugo theme. I assume that you are familiar with basic HTML, and how to write content in markdown. I will be explaining the working of Hugo and how it uses Go templating language and how you can use these templates to organize your content. As this post will be focusing mainly on Hugo’s working, I will not be covering CSS here.