
Yash Agarwal

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.

Hi, I am Yash (y-uh-sh) 🙏.

I am a computer programmer 👨‍💻 interested in network security 🛡, cryptography 🔐, and distributed systems 🌐.

You can find me elsewhere on the Web; at places like Twitter, Github and LinkedIn. There is also my email 📩.

I took inspiration from tufte-css while developing this website in 2020. This website has a lot of nice features like partial IndieWeb support, fully responsive design, high lighthouse scores etc. But as the web has transtitioned at a rapid pace, a static site generator like Hugo can’t keep with the pace without support of JavaScript. So, I decided to move to NextJs in June 2023. I will keep this website hosted on this subdomain for nostalgic purposes.

I maintain a separate website for storing my Kindle Paperwhite Highlights. Check it out!!

[comment]: # (My resume is here, but I am not looking for a new job right now.)